Post-Training Support

Comprehensive Post-training Support For Equinet Learners

What is Equinet Academy’s Post-Training Support Program About?

The post-training support program is available to past trainees of Equinet Academy who have successfully completed any of our digital marketing training courses. It serves as a consultation to address any hurdles faced while implementing the strategies and tactics shared during the course on real world campaigns.

What Does The Post-Training Support Program Include?

The available channels for our post-training support are as follows.

Direct Contact with Your Course Trainer

Trainer will provide contact details in class.

Re-attend the Course Once Within 3 Years

Forgotten what you’ve learnt after some time? Resit and re-experience the entire course in-person or online.

3-year Access to the Courseware via Our LMS

Get 3-year access to the updated course slides, templates, and guides. Be ready to implement the concepts learnt.

Post-Training Mentoring with Industry Experts

Facing challenges during implementation? Consult our experts in a small group setting. Regularly scheduled.

Lifetime Access to Community Support Group

Be part of an exclusive support forum where you can post questions, discuss, and get feedback from fellow learners and experts.

What Our Trainees Say

Here’s what trainees who’ve attended our Ask Me Anything sessions have to say.

“The Ask Me Anything session discussed strategies to elevate participants’ corporate web sites to the top ranks of Google’s organic search results. These are real challenges faced by participants who included owners of a 24-hour halal restaurant, and a specialised pet photography studio. The session reinforced insights shared at Dylan’s SEO course, which is skills-base and insightful towards formulating a digital marketing strategy.”

Wong Kuek Siong

“In April and May, my Google Ads cost the same but leads only averaged about 5-8 per month. After your help, with the same Budget, I got double the number of clicks and more than 40 leads in June alone.”

Ken Tay

“Due to the poor account management from our previous SEM service provider, our Google Adwords account was a mess! After attending the SEM course, I’ve managed to clean up and organize our Google Adwords account, which has since allowed us to receive quality leads! Dylan has also been very helpful with providing me with suggestions to manage our account after the course.”

Christina Chua

Steam Peak International

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